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- _) ___/___) ___ (_) _/__ _ _) __ ) /____ ____\ /_) _/__ _ _) __ |
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- |_ (_/ ____| ____ ________ ______ ___ _____(
- )______| |__( )___________\ )______| )__| )___________\
- az0!/l124
- APPENDIX and PicSaintLoup are proud
- to invite all the AMiGA, C64, small Atari
- and PC users for a party at the highest orbit:
- S A T E L L I T E ' 98
- ----------------------------------
- 1. Introduction
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- It will be a second party of this kind here in our city Szczecin. The
- first one took place in 1992 organized by SKYLIGHT & CRAZYBOYS (crap jakich
- malo) ... Let's take it seriously, since '92 things have changed, the water
- in Odra river has been getting cleaner and cleaner, many guys have died, the
- same amount been born so we think it is a time to show how a good party
- should look like.
- 2. Rules
- ~~~~~
- The most important thing is that beer and other digestive stuff will be
- available at our well organized bar so You won't be left alone in the city of
- kid killers forced to feed Your exhausted body. Anyway boozing will be
- exterminated at the party place. All kind of alcohol drinks, drugs, knifes,
- guns etc. will be confiscated by our security guards. We know that it's
- impossible to care about all the 600 party people and a small percent (very
- small) of participants will get drunk. In this case the security won't be so
- tough and If You start to make mess, You or Your body will be gently taken
- into a safe place where You will be able to get into the right mood. Now we
- are serious, people who like to destroy, who may not play with other children
- could be even taken by the police so behave yourself.
- 3. Where and when ?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The party will took place in the sport hall of The ZESPOL SZKOL
- BUDOWLANYCH at the Unislawy 32/33 street. If You want to know exact way to
- get here without trobles You will be able to see a map in our final
- invitation which will be released at Gravity paty. Everything starts on
- 7.XI.98 and finishes on 8.XI.98
- 4. How much is the party ?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The entrance fee will not exceed 30PLN, people with their own
- computers could pay a lower cost fee (about 25PLN). Foreginers, girls, Marek
- Pampuch don't have to pay anything.
- 5. Kkkompetitons
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Platforms:
- 1. AMiGA
- 2. 8bit (Atari&C64)
- 3. PC
- Wild i Crazy Demo compo, will be joined together
- Music and GFX Compo will be executed using Amiga
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Equipment
- ~~~~~~~~~
- Amiga 4000/PPC604e/233Mhz + 060/50,128MB RAM/CyberVisionPPC,Delphina
- DSP lite or Amiga 4000/060/66Mhz/128MB RAM, CGFX3D, Delphina DSPlite if this
- does not make You feel happy we can use A1200/PPC603e/240Mhz + 040/25Mhz/
- 64MB RAM
- |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
- | Demo - | One production for a group. Duration time is not |
- | | determined. Exit to system on LMB. 8 MB max. |
- | | after compression. Amos or demomaniac demos will | | be shifted to crazy demo compo
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- | | |
- | Intro 64K - | One production for a group. Duration time is not |
- | | determined. Exit to system on LMB. 65536 bytes |
- | | max. Amos or demomaniac demos will be shifted |
- | | to crazy demo compo |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- | | |
- | Intro 4K - | One production for a coder. Duration time is not |
- | | determined. Exit to system on LMB. 4096 bytes max. |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- | | |
- | | All the modules will be palyed with a use of |
- | 4ch music - | DigiBoosterPRO + DelphinaDSPlite. One module |
- | | for a musican. Duration time 8min |
- | | max. Lenght 1MB max. Format: mod. |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- | | |
- | Multichannel- | All the modules will be palyed with use of |
- | | DigiBoosterPRO + DelphinDSPlite. One module |
- | | for a musican. Duration time 8min |
- | | max. Lenght 1MB max. Formats: mod(8-32), xm, ft, |
- | | s3m, mmd0-3, dbm. |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- | | |
- | THX music - | One module for a musican. Duration time 3 min |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- | | |
- | Graphics - | One picture for a grafican 'photoshops' are |
- | | not allowed. Formats: iff, png, gif, jpg. |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- | | |
- | | One trace for a tracer. Traces with objects |
- | Trace - | made not by the author of the trace will be |
- | | thrown away. |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- | | |
- | Crazy demo - | Number of productions is not limited, everything |
- | | dempends on Your synapses. We will try to play each|
- | | production otherwise we will run our special |
- | | selection committee. |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- 2. Atari i C64 competitions
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Config C64: C64+1541 II - or C128D.
- Atari 130XE+TOMS
- |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
- | Demo - | One demo for a group. duration time is not limited |
- | | Floppy support. |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- | | |
- | Graphics - | One picture for a grafican Format .EXE |
- | | (we can talk it over) |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- | | |
- | Music - | One music for a misican. Format .EXE |
- | | (we cn talk it over as well) |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- 3. PC compo
- ~~~~~~~~
- P200MMX + GUS/SB + Matrox Mystique 3D + 64MB RAM...
- |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
- | Demo - | One production for a group. Duration time is not |
- | | determined. Exit to system on ESC . 8 MB max. |
- | | after compression. Delphi demos will be shift |
- | | to crazy demo compo |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- | | |
- | Intro 64K - | One production for a group. Duration time is not |
- | | determined. Exit to system on ESC. 65536 bytes max.|
- | | Delphi demos will be shift to crazy demo compo |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- | | |
- | Intro 4K - | One production for a coder. Duration time is not |
- | | determined. Exit to system on ESC. 4096bytes max. |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- | | |
- | | All the modules will be palyed with a use of |
- | 4ch music - | DigiBoosterPRO + DelphinaDSPlite. One module |
- | | for a musican. Duration time 8min |
- | | max. Lenght 1MB max. Format: mod. |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- | | |
- | Multichannel- | All the modules will be palyed with use of |
- | | DigiBoosterPRO + DelphinDSPlite. One module |
- | | for a musican. Duration time 8min |
- | | max. Lenght 1MB max. Formats: mod(8-32), xm, ft, |
- | | s3m, mmd0-3, dbm. |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- | | |
- | Graphics - | One picture for a grafican 'photoshops' are |
- | | not allowed. Formats: iff, png, gif, jpg. |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- | | |
- | | One trace for a tracer. Traces with objects |
- | Trace - | made not by the author of the trace will be |
- | | thrown away. |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- | | |
- | Crazy demo - | Number of productions is not limited, everything |
- | | dempends on Your synapses. We will try to play each|
- | | production otherwise we will run our special |
- | | selection committee. |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- _________________________________________________________________________
- | | |
- | Wild Demo - | One production for an author. Format as you wanna! |
- | | Prizes will be granted joinly for Amiga an PC |
- |_________________|_______________________________________________________|
- There are also other compos than traditional ones in our compo
- schedule. So here is the schedule:
- - line compo
- - belch compo :)
- - beer compo
- - throw the beret compo (adamsoft has got a nice beret from army :)
- - daun dance compo
- - disco polo compo (The one who wins has to compose the best
- conversion in realtime)
- .... and many other crazy compos
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6. Party fromula
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- We will not try to epitomize other parties organizers who are not able to get
- a bigscreen running, trying to lower their energy bills. The bigscreen will
- be everytime in use. We want to continue the tradition from IO1 IO2 where
- all the information cocerning compos were shown on the screen. Party akktio
- will endure non stop. There schould be a time for double live techno concert
- too.
- Party space
- Main room
- smaller room for participants use
- other rooms for manga room, sleeping room, izba room (its new,
- free entrance)
- The Author who wants his production to be shown during the compo also agree
- to show his production on TV, Radio etc. All the missunderstandings will be
- adjudicated by the party organizers
- 7. Prizes
- ~~~~~~
- There will be prizes although we don't know what they will look like.
- Evertyhing depends on our sponsors who promissed their support.
- 8. Party sztaff:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Tel nonstop: +48-601-534875 (mADbART, aka Bartek)
- +48-91-4421033 (eNTER, aka Radek)
- +48-601-774648 (aDAMSOFT, aka Adam)
- e-mail : madbart@optimus.wroc.pl
- adamsoft@optimus.wroc.pl
- random22@zsb.szczecin.pl
- modem : tHEsECT! BBS +48-91-4879493
- login: Satellite
- pass : Satellite
- www : http://appendix.ml.org
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ctp!/L124 _____
- _______ ________ ___| /
- _____ (_) ___ _(_\ | /_
- | _ ___ | \/ __ |
- | \/ _ \____( / _|
- |_______( )__\ /___|___\
- [tHEsECT!] [tHEsECT!]
- a p p e n d i x ` 9 8
- S A T E L L I T E '98 party
- organized by aPPENDiX
- invitation!
- ... ...
- ........: : .....: :
- : :.... ...: :
- _____:_______ ..: __ __ _______ _:_____ _:_
- ___ | ___ |___:___| || |______| ___ |_| __ |__| _|_ __
- | || | __ |___| __ __ |___| ||_____ _| |_
- | |_| |___| ____ |____| ______| _____ | ..|__ |
- |__|__| |___| |_____| |_____| |___| |_| : |_____|
- : ......... :...az0!/l124
- :............ : : :
- : m a d b a r t : :........:
- of dA aPPENDiX !
- and tEKLORDS !
- a.p.p.e.n.d.i.x whq > domination nightyeight > povvered by thesect!
- .for any reasons or money support leave me the mess with some cash.
- [madbart@jormas.com]
- or?
- try to fakk with the best - it's simply thesect!
- phone:+48-91-4879493...[night hours]...telnet:ask.me.on.irc.mate
- [appendix.teklords.picsaintloup.anadune.floppy.dajormas.venusart.link124]
- [dinxproject.mawi.ozonefree.doggystyle]